War with Germany over face masks? Piracy or Justified by the US Defense Production Act?
“There is great national unity. This Unity is developing in the United States, restoring the nation to our full and glorious might.” These are the words today by US President Donald Trump. It goes along with his election theme “America First.”
In Germany, the senator responsible for internal affairs for the State of Berlin accused the United States of modern-day piracy.
200,000 certified FFP2 face masks were ordered by the City of Berlin. They were necessary to protect first responders, the Berlin Police Department. The order was prepaid and was to be fulfilled by 3M . 3M is a Minnesota-based company, one of the largest manufacturers of the masks.
Every power, every single resource to protect American Citizens will be implemented according to President Trump saying in Saturday’s press conference.
Manufacturing giant 3M pushed backed against President Trump in a statement on Friday that suggested it would not comply with a White House order to stop exporting masks to Canada and Latin America, and Germany of course.
The Trump administration on Thursday invoked the Defense Production Act, compelling 3M to prioritize orders for desperately needed N95 respirator masks for the US government’s national stockpile.
The Minnesota-based company, one of the largest manufacturers of the masks, said it was looking forward to implementing the order and had already been going “above and beyond” in recent.