Eurasia Group presents Top Risks of 2021

Eurasia Group which is the world’s leading global political risk research and consulting firm presented top risks of 2021.

At the top of the list is a “divided America”. According to the Group facing an aggrieved opposition loyal to the Trump brand, Biden will find it more difficult to govern than under the “normal” conditions of split government.

Eurasia Group reminds also that neither the coronavirus nor its wide-ranging impacts will disappear once widespread vaccination begins. Countries will still face challenges linked to the coronavirus consequences.

Among other top risks are also:

  • US-China tensions
  • Accelerating global warming and climate change
  • data as the major battleground in the US-China tech cold war, which will continue under Biden
  • risk of a cyber tipping point
  • The slowdown in Middle Eastern economies due to low oil prices
  • Europe after Merkel
