Most business travelers worried about data security

Nearly two-thirds of all road warriors are worried about unwittingly compromising their employer’s data during their business travels.

A new Carlson Wagonlit Travel study there is obvious concern about going online in unfamiliar places using public Wi-Fi networks.

Surveying more than 2,000 business travelers in the Americas, Europe and Asia, the CWT Safety & Security Study found 54% in the Americas were not confident their internet connection would repel any data theft attempt.

In Asia and Europe travelers were even more concerned with nearly three-quarters wary of data security breaches while traveling.

“These results show there is still a lot to do around educating travelers on how to look after their company’s data,” said Andrew Jordan, executive vice president and chief technology officer.

Most business travelers worried about data security

“For instance, connectivity in public areas can put company data at risk. Awareness and training are key to protecting against any possible security breaches.”

Unsurprisingly, the biggest worry was having a laptop or other device stolen during travels, followed by using public Wi-Fi networks.

When travelers became aware of a data breach attempt, 37% said they immediately shut down their device and 25% said they reported it to their company.

“These percentages can surely improve dramatically with better training on data safety,” Jordan added.

More than a third said they had opened a file from an unknown sender via email which resulted in a ‘phishing’ attempt.

source: Travel Mole